Understanding Methylamine Hydrochloride (CAS 593-51-1)


What is Methylamine Hydrochloride?

Methylamine hydrochloride, commonly known by its CAS number 593-51-1, is an organic compound with a wide range of applications across various industries. This white crystalline powder is derived from methylamine and hydrochloric acid, resulting in a compound that is both versatile and valuable.

Importance and Applications

Found in many different sectors, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, dyes and water treatment, methylamine hydrochloride is a flexible and vital chemical intermediary used as a basis for a great range of molecules. Its significance stems from its capacity to be a precursor for numerous useful molecules, which makes it indispensible in chemical production and study.

Chemical Composition and Properties

Molecular Structure

Chemically, methylamine hydrochloride is CH3NH2-HCl. Its components are a methylamine molecule (CH3NH2) joined to a hydrochloride (HCl) group. The lone pair of electrons found in the nitrogen atom of the amine group draws protons (H+) from hydrochloric acid (HCl) to generate the methyl ammonium ion (CH3NH3+). Methylamine hydrochloride is the ionic compound formed when this ion couples with a chloride ion (Cl-). This structure shows how hydrochloric acid and methylamine combine to generate a stable ionic molecule.

cas 593-51-1 Molecular Formulae
Monomethylamine hydrochloride CAS 593-51-1 Molecular Formula

Physical Properties

  • Appearance: White crystalline powder
  • Melting Point: 230-233°C
  • Solubility: rather high in ethanol and water.
  • Density: around 0.9 gramme per cubic centimetre.
  • Odor: Ammonia-like smell
  • Hygroscopicity: Methylamine hydrochloride is hygroscopic, so it can draw moisture from the atmosphere.
  • Stability: Under usual usage and storage, stable. To preserve stability, it is light sensitive and should be kept in a dark, dry environment nonetheless.

Chemical Properties

Strong base methylamine hydrochloride combines easily with acids and other reactive chemicals. More difficult chemical entities can be synthesised using its reactivity.Production and Synthesis

Ionous Characteristics: Methylamine hydrochloride breaks down in solution into the chloride ion (Cl-) and the methylammonium ion (CH3NH3+).


  • With bases: releases methylamine gas (CH3NH2) by reacting strongly with strong bases

For instance, CH3NH3+ Cl- + NaOH CH3NH2 (gas) + NaCl + H2O.

  • With acids: As most acids do not react farther from a weak base hydrochloride is stable in acidic solutions.
  • Use with oxidising chemicals: powerful oxidising agents may cause combustion or other harmful reactions.
  • Decomposition: On heating, methylamine gas and hydrochloric acid separate.

Industrial Production Methods

Usually, the commercial synthesis of methylamine hydrochloride consists in the high temperature reaction of methanol and ammonia across a catalyst. This approach generates good compound yields and is quick.

Laboratory Synthesis

Dissolving methylamine gas in hydrochloric acid allows methylamine hydrochloride to be synthesised in a laboratory environment. Research projects and smaller-scale manufacturing often adopt this simple approach.

Applications in Different Industries

1. Pharmaceutical sectorin

Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are synthesised using methylamine hydrochloride extensively as an intermediary. utilised in medical chemistry as a starting material, it is also utilised in the development of novel medications and their interactions investigated.

2. Chemical Industry
  • Chemical synthesis: A lot of different compounds are produced from this fundamental component. It is absolutely important for the manufacturing of adhesives, solvents, and resins.
  • Dyestuff production: The manufacturing of dyes and pigments uses methylamine hydrochloride, therefore benefiting the textile and printing sectors.
3. Agricultural industryIn agriculture
  • Pesticides and Herbicides: It is a precursor to the synthesis of agrochemicals, including insecticides and herbicides, which assist safeguard crops from pests and raise agricultural output.
  • Fertilisers: Some fertilisers designed to boost crop yields and soil quality are made from it.
4. Research and development

Academic and commercial research labs examine different chemical reactions and create novel synthetic paths using methylamine hydrochloride.

5. Rubber & Plastics Industry

Applied in the rubber sector to generate vulcanisation accelerators, therefore improving the performance of rubber goods. In the plastics sector as a component to raise the plastic goods’ durability and flexibility.

6. Textile industry

Fabric treatments with methylamine hydrochloride help to increase dyeability and raise the quality of produced textile goods.

Safety and Handling

1. Safety Precautions

To avoid skin and eye contact when handling methylamine hydrochloride, be sure you wear suitable personal protection equipment (PPE), including gloves, goggles, and lab coats.

2. Handling and Storage Guidelines
  • Storage: Store in a cool, dry area far from incompatible drugs.
  • Handling: Use in well-ventilated spaces; try not to inhale dust or vapours.
3. First Aid Measures
  • Skin Contact: Wash right away with water and soap.
  • Eye Contact: Spend several minutes carefully rinsing with water.
  • Inhalation: Go to fresh air and, should symptoms continue, get medical help.
  • Ingestion: Rinse your mouth with water then seek medical attention right away.

Environmental Impact

If improperly handled, methylamine hydrochloride might have environmental effects. Its solubility in water indicates how quickly it can disperse and may endanger aquatic life.

Dispose of methylamine hydrochloride in line with local guidelines. To reduce the environmental risk, chemical waste should be gathered and disposed of under the direction of a qualified waste disposal company.

Market Trends and Analysis

The global market is expanding under the broad use of methylamine hydrochloride. The increasing need for pharmaceutical and chemical manufacture is one of the main causes.

Key participants are Cocentech and other chemical industrial behemoths, who create and distribute methylamine hydrochloride all around.

Future trends indicate that, particularly in sectors including pharmaceuticals and agriculture, constant research and development will drive demand rising. Furthermore anticipated to propel market expansion are manufacturing process innovations in terms of efficiency.


A flexible and necessary molecule with broad uses in many different sectors is methylamine hydrochloride. From drugs to agriculture, its significance is impossible to overestimated. Safety and environmental protection depend critically on correct handling, storage, and regulatory compliance.


  1. Mostly for what purposes does methylamine hydrochloride find application?

Mostly utilised as a precursor for synthetic medicines, agrochemicals, and other chemical products, methylamine hydrochloride is

  1. Where ought Methylamine hydrochloride to be kept?

To guarantee safety, methylamine hydrochloride should be kept in a well-ventilated, cool, dry environment free from incompatible drugs.

3. Is methylamine hydrochloride dangerous?

Handling this chemical requires following safety precautions and wearing personal protective gear.

  1. Has methylamine hydrochloride changed the surroundings? 

Indeed, improper handling of methylamine hydrochloride can have negative effects on the environment, particularly on aquatic life since of its solubility in water.

  1. Where ought I to purchase methylamine hydrochloride?

After comparing different manufacturers or suppliers of Methylamine Hydrochloride, you can do a Google search about them and discover Cocentech would be an excellent option.

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